Technoparks: participants of the EAPO and WIPO project develop a partnership network

22 september 2023


As part of the pilot project of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to enhance the capacity of technoparks to commercialize the results of intellectual activity (RIA) in the member states of the Eurasian Patent Convention, several agreements were signed between Russian and Belarusian technoparks:

  • Minsk City Technopark – «Akademgorodok Technopark» Foundation (Novosibirsk);
  • Minsk City Technopark - «Technopark-Mordovia» (Saransk);
  • «Akademgorodok Technopark» Foundation (Novosibirsk) - «Science and Technology Park BNTU «Polytechnik»;
  • «Akademgorodok Technopark» Foundation (Novosibirsk) - Technopark-Mordovia (Saransk).

The agreements stipulate the formats of cooperation with new partners, including the development of the practice of protection and defense of intellectual property (IP) rights of the resident companies of technoparks. In addition, technoparks will be able to exchange information on current technological challenges, attract experts to assist in the development of technological entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems in their regions and countries.

«For the EAPO, the signing of bilateral agreements between the participants of the project for technoparks is an indicator of how much this project is in demand and the relevance of the work on the integration of intellectual resources in the Eurasian space. We are glad that the training events became a platform for new productive relations, exchange of experience in the field of commercialization of intellectual property, general search for solutions to existing problems, which are universal for our region. We hope for further expansion of the dialog between technoparks in a bilateral format», - noted Grigory Ivliev, the President of EAPO.

For Reference:
A pilot project to enhance the capabilities of technoparks in the field of commercialization of RIAs in the states-participants of the Eurasian Patent Convention to be implemented jointly with WIPO.

Within the framework of the project 15 beneficiary technoparks from all EAPO member states were selected. Their representatives take part in training programs on various aspects of intellectual property management. The training programs will cover the most difficult and topical issues: licensing, IP marketing, IP valuation, etc.

Materials on the project can be found here.

Based on the materials of EAPO

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