The World Intellectual Property Organization is the world's largest source of intellectual property (IP) information and the most comprehensive database of empirical research, reports and evidence on IP.
Regardless of the nature of the information you need (statistics, legal or technical information), this page will help you access unique collections of resources and reference materials.
WIPO's global databases provide access to the vast amount of information available in the IP system, regardless of where the user is located. These bases are designed to create an interconnected and complex knowledge-sharing infrastructure that fosters innovation around the world. The Global Dissemination of IP Data Initiative aims to promote and support the exchange of IP information between national and regional IP offices and WIPO.
Searching the technology you need from over 78 million patent documents, including international PCT patent applications.
Searching brand information from numerous national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin, and official emblems.
Madrid Monitor – All the latest information on the status of trademarks registered under the Madrid System (trademarks in force and those that have expired within the last six months).
Searching the data on industrial design registrations under the Hague System and the national funds of member states.
Detailed information on the industrial designs registered under the Hague System.
Appellations of origin registered under the Lisbon System.
Searching state emblems, full or abbreviated names and other emblems that have been reported for protection under Article 6ter.
This multilingual terminology base can be used to find precise IP and technology terms and concepts in ten languages. It contains over 105 thousand terms, the correctness of which has been confirmed by WIPO terminology experts.
Additional databases for inventors
Full texts, summaries and information on the parties to the international IP treaties administered by WIPO.
WIPO Lex – IP laws and treaties
WIPO Lex is a global database that provides free access to legal information related to intellectual property (IP), including but not limited to treaties administered by WIPO, other IP-related treaties, and national laws and regulations of the Member States of WIPO, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.
The four existing international classification systems facilitate and simplify IP searches. They organize an array of information on inventions, trademarks and industrial designs into indexed, easy-to-use structures for search. These systems include:
WIPO IP Office Standards help streamline the processing of data for filing, examination, publication, granting and registration of patents, trademarks and industrial designs. Common standards also promote the technical exchange of IP data between IP Offices and WIPO and facilitate the international dissemination and access to IP information.
Reference and information portal WIPO GOLD (databases of international applications and registrations, international classifications, international treaties in the field of intellectual property protection, WIPO standards).
World database of patent documentation Esp@cenet (patent information and documentation of more than 90 countries and international organizations).
Eurasian patent information system EAPATIS (patent documentation of the EAPO, CIS countries, Austria, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, USA, France, Switzerland, Japan, WIPO, EPO).