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Founders: State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus National Center of Intellectual Property, Minsk, Belarus |
Publisher: National Center of Intellectual Property |
ISSN 1992-4615 | |
Published since December 1998 | |
Frequency of publication: 6 times a year in Russian or Belarusian and English |
Editor-in-Chief: Uladzimir Rabavolau,, National Center of Intellectual Property |
The scientific research journal "Intellectual Property in Belarus" is published to inform the public about the intellectual property system functioning in the Republic of Belarus, development of scientific activities in the field of protection and management of industrial property, copyright and related rights, bringing the public attention to the official information about the activities of the National Center of Intellectual Property.
In accordance with the order of the High Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus of February 13, 2007, No. 25 "Intellectual Property in Belarus" was included into the list of scientific editions in the Republic of Belarus for publishing the results of dissertations on economics and law of intellectual property.
Since 2021, the journal has been included in foreign subscription catalogs.
Since 2022, the journal has been included in the Russian Science Citation Index.
Articles of the magazine are also posted in the online service of ready-made legal solutions ilex / LLC "YurSpectr" (in accordance with the license agreement).
The magazine publishes explanations of normative legal acts in the field of intellectual property, various scientific publications, articles and professional discussions of intellectual property issues by both domestic and foreign authors, employees of the National Center of Intellectual Property.
The magazine audience - managers and specialists of state administration bodies, industrial enterprises, law firms, scientific and educational institutions, patent attorneys and, of course, the creators themselves - inventors, authors, performers.
Editorial address:
220034, Minsk, 20 Kozlova St.
Tel: +375 (17) 272 94 36, +375 (17) 272 94 78, +375 (17) 272 94 35, +375 (17) 373 10 91
E-mail: isbelarus@ncip.by
The announcement of the next issue of the magazine, as well as the contents of the previous issues can be found here.