World Intellectual Property Organization

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an international organization which mission consists in creating incentives for use and protection of human mind’s works, i.e. intellectual property.

WIPO originates in 1883 when the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property – the first important international agreement which vocation is to enable persons from one country to obtain protection of their intellectual works in other countries as industrial property rights – was signed. In 1886 the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works brings the copyright into international scene. In 1891 through signing the Madrid Agreement the first system of the international registration of intellectual property rights – of trademarks in that case – is created.

The growth of significance of intellectual property resulted in signing in 1967 of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization. In 1974 WIPO became a specialized agency of the UN system entitled to manage the intellectual property issues what is recognized by the UN Member States. WIPO broadened its role and in 1996 displayed the great importance of the intellectual property rights in the management of the world trade by entering into agreement on cooperation with the World Trade Organization.

The main directions of activities in the framework of cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with WIPO are based on the implementation of the treaties on cooperation with WIPO. They imply:

  • improvement of the legislation in the sphere of intellectual property. Expert assessment of draft laws and normative acts carried out by WIPO, consultations in the Republic of Belarus and at the head-quarters of WIPO;
  • improvement of the system of enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Belarus;
  • assistance in adhering of the Republic of Belarus to the treaties administered by WIPO;
  • training and learning in the sphere of intellectual property;
  • promotion of use of WIPO global information network;
  • development of the system of collective management of copyright and related rights in the Republic of Belarus.

Detailed information on WIPO activities and services, general changes in the world of intellectual property, various databases of IP information and legislation and other relevant information is available on WIPO web-site