
21 may 2024

The NCIP was visited by the Charge d'affaires of Belarus in France

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20 may 2024

Copyright protection in the People's Republic of China in the digital age

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20 may 2024

XX International Scientific Conference «Youth in Science 2024»

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18 may 2024

Belarus: persons and events (Aleksandr Gulevich)

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17 may 2024

The NCIP hosted the Unified Information Day

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16 may 2024

Belarus: persons and events (Olga Plotnikova)

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16 may 2024

U. Rabavolau: we observe an increase in the applicant activity in respect of several industrial property rights

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15 may 2024

WIPO for Creators platform as a tool to improve legal literacy in the field of intellectual property

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15 may 2024

About the competition «Best Patent of Belarus» on the ONT TV channel

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8 may 2024

We remember! We are proud!

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