New format of the official Plant Varieties Bulletin

15 march 2024


Starting from 2024, the National Center for Intellectual Property (NCIP) is introducing a new format of the official bulletin «Plant Varieties», which implies continuous publication of information on granted patents. Continuity of publication is ensured by constant filling of the array of published patents with new documents issued in the form of separate electronic PDF files.

This type of bulletin, which fully corresponds to international practice, is much superior to the traditional page-by-page form due to the reduction of the total volume of the publication, elimination of redundant information and simplification of work with it. Also, the new form provides a significant reduction in the time of publication of patent documents (from 3 months to 15 days), which is extremely important for right holders. Thus, the change of the bulletin procedure initiated by NCIP will facilitate prompt access of users to patent data and increase the economic benefits of working with them.

The new form of the official bulletin «Plant Varieties» is available on the official website at the link. Information on publication of all NCIP official publications is also available there.

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Photo: NCIP