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29 February 2024

Since 2024 NCIP has switched to issuing the official bulletin «Inventions. Utility models. Industrial designs. Topographies of integrated circuits» in the format of continuous publication.

This format implies periodic updating of the collection of published applications and patents with new full-text descriptions of protection documents, issued as separate electronic PDF files.

The transition to continuous publication of patents in bulletins, previously not implemented in our country, is fully in line with global trends in this area. This format of official bulletins has a number of important advantages over their traditional form, as it significantly reduces the time of publication of patent documents, as well as reduces the volume of bulletins and simplifies work with them. These innovations will provide interested parties with prompt access to up-to-date patent information and facilitate its effective implementation.

New official bulletin «Inventions. Utility models. Industrial designs. Topographies of Integrated Circuits», previously published once every two months, is available here. Work is also underway to convert into a new format the official bulletins «Trademarks and Service Marks. Geographical Indications» and «Plant Varieties», which are planned for implementation during 2024.

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Photo: NCIP