5th episode of the IP cartoon was released

30 september 2020


The new fifth series of popular science cartoon "IP Stories: Stories from History" (6+) about intrigues, incidents and legal conflicts in the intellectual property field is dedicated to the discovery of "explosive gun cotton" by the German chemist Christian Schönbein.

This is the next premiere in the framework of the scientific and educational project of the IPChain Association. The main goal of the animated series is to focus the attention of creators of innovative products on the importance of using modern mechanisms to protect the results of their creativity.

The series was created by the Prophet Integrated Communication Solutions Agency specially for the IPChain Association. It is based on the script written by the playwright, member of the Russian Television Academy, author of popular science films and books, Marina Sobe-Paneck. The new episode is dedicated to invention of explosives and tells about successful monetization of this discovery due to correct approach to patenting.

The storyteller is, as before, the corporate hero of the IPChain Association – Gorynych, the image of a many-sided and insightful connoisseur, and each of his heads symbolizes one of the key areas of intellectual property: copyright and related rights, means of individualization and industrial property.

All episodes of the unique animation series are available in the social networks of the Prophet Integrated Communication Solutions Agency on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, as well as on the official channels of the IPQuorum brand and the IPChain Association on Telegram, Instagram and Facebook.

Based on the TASS materials.