Key issues of IP reflected in the CRSEA review

25 november 2020


The Confederation of Right Holders' Societies of Europe and Asia (CRSEA) prepared an overview of key developments in the intellectual property (IP) field of for July – October 2020. The presented material includes the following points.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced a new stage of cooperation with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), which will increase the efficiency of collective management organizations. WIPO is also implementing a project with the Musical Rights Education Foundation to support authors around the globe. The overview details how the creators’ rights to fair remuneration will be recognized.

CISAC has modernized the ISWC system, which will ensure accuracy, speed and efficiency of societies in tracking the use of works and paying royalties.

The European Audiovisual Observatory has prepared a report on copyright licensing rules in the EU. The document provides a deeper understanding of the problem combining analytical and practical elements.
Supporting creative industry is the issue of particular concern not only for large specialized organizations, but also for heads of states. Thus, the presented review addresses the efforts Colombia makes to foster IP development.

The review also outlines a plan to create a center for mediation in the IP field in Belarus, the participation of the Kazakh National Institute of Intellectual Property in a dialogue on expanding citizens' access to medicine, and two important initiatives of China –creation of IP exchange and new technologies aimed at proving the position of right holders in court.

Learn more here.

Based on materials from CRSEA.

Photo: www.eacop.orgr