National Center of Intellectual Property was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus

24 april 2020


Today, on April 24, 2020, on the eve of World Intellectual Property Day, the state institution “National Center of Intellectual Property” was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus for its significant contribution to the implementation of the state policy in the field of protection of intellectual property rights.

On behalf of the Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus Mr. Alexander Shumilin, in a festive atmosphere warm words were addressed to the leadership and employees of the Office. The Head of the Committee's Legal and Human Resources Department, Mr. Alexander Zayats, presented the significant award to the Director General of the National Center of Intellectual Property Mr. Uladzimir Rabavolau.