
28 november 2023

NCIP releases a new You-Tube video about the Intellectual Property Exchange

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23 november 2023

International seminar on the Madrid and Lisbon systems was held in Minsk

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20 november 2023

Regional Webinar: WIPO IP Services and Initiatives

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20 november 2023

IP Finance Dialogue: Expanding Horizons on IP Finance and Valuation

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8 november 2023

Uladzimir Rabavolau: There is a stabilization of applicant activity on the part of national applicants of the Republic of Belarus

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6 october 2023

The thousandth complex entrepreneurial license (franchising) agreement is registered in NCIP

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6 october 2023

Interview of U.Rabavolau, NCIP Director General, to Ilex portal

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5 october 2023

International Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to 30th Anniversary of SCST

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5 october 2023

Data from the Global Innovation Index 2023 Published

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3 october 2023

New WIPO Survey Reveals World-Wide Perceptions and Understanding of Intellectual Property

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